Nate works as a Fundraising Specialist for Hato Hone St John, while pursuing postgraduate study in Māori Studies and Strategic Communication.
He has experience in governance at Hato Hone St John, on governance committees including the Nominations & Appointments Panel and the Volunteering Advisory Group. He has also represented Aotearoa New Zealand on the St John International Youth Advisory Network.
Nate is on the governance group for Auckland Council’s Hauora Network, and dedicates his time to volunteering in community engagement and youth programmes throughout the community. Volunteering from a young age has most importantly instilled in him an unbridled passion for hauora and community.
“He aha te take nui i roto i tō tātou mahi aroha?”, Nate says, “koia ko te mahi tahi tātou mō whai ana i te pikinga o te ora i roto i ngā hāpori, mai Aotearoa ki te ao”; we volunteer together to make life-changing differences—impact that is felt in communities around Aotearoa and the world.