Volunteering New Zealand is running its third online mentoring programme.

This mentoring programme is for Volunteer Managers or Co-ordinators who are key enablers of volunteering. We know that to support volunteer managers is to grow volunteering.

It runs from March to September 2025. You will meet once a month with your mentee/mentor online, for six sessions.

>Note for mentees only: to participate, your organisation needs to be a member of Volunteering New Zealand<

After applying, our Programme Coordinator will get in touch with you to arrange a Zoom call. This helps them to learn more about you and establish your suitability for the programme. If successful, you’ll then go into the mentee/mentor pool to be matched.

The Programme Coordinator will explain the programme in more detail during this call.

What are the benefits for participants?

    • Increased effectiveness for mentees in their roles, achieved through development of their leadership skills, knowledge and confidence.
    • A great career development opportunity for both mentees and mentors.
    • One-on-one support for mentees to help identify personal development priorities.
    • Opportunities to improve networks and connections with leaders in the community sector.
    • Opportunities to meet and connect with your group throughout the programme, sharing learnings and ideas.
    • Ongoing support from your Programme Coordinator.
    • Plus, it’s super rewarding and fun!

2024 programme participants said…

Thank you for your outstanding support, commitment and innovation, this programme was amazing, and I am so privileged to have been a part of the whanau.Yes, I would love to continue as a mentor in the new programme. I got so much out of it as well and it was so much fun 😊”  – Mentor

It has been amazing to hear all the things that have been introduced in addition to ideas for my next role. Thank you again for facilitating this truly beneficial programme. Please keep me on your books for any future programmes.”– Mentor

“I have really appreciated my mentoring with X – we were a good match. She has been able to offer advice on many different topics and was a good sounding board to know we are on the right track with other topics.  And we have a good laugh together which makes me look forward to our sessions. Many thanks!” – Mentee

“You guys do a phenomenal job with connection in a space that can be extremely isolating to work in!Absolutely gaining so much from my Mentor Sessions!Thanks again Heidi!” – Mentee


Contact the Programme Co-ordinator Heidi Quinn: heidi@volunteeringnz.org.nz