In 2013, my husband and I found out we were expecting multiples. Early on in the pregnancy we joined Multiples NZ. Multiples NZ is a nationwide, parent-led support network supporting families in their journey from expecting to raising multiples. It’s a completely volunteer-run organisation that seeks to address the diverse needs of families with multiples through networking, education, support and advocacy. We work in partnership with local Multiples Clubs, community groups, healthcare providers and educators to support our members.
During pregnancy (and beyond) I was blessed to have a lovely buddy mum who answered all of my questions, a quarterly magazine all about multiples, and a huge village of multiple mums within an online support group. At every stage of my children’s development, there was a parent who was facing the same problems or milestones, or had been there!
This year, we marked a special milestone in our family. At the beginning of December, our twinkles Xavier and Lilian turned five. I didn’t realise what an achievement that would feel like, having made it through those first hard and fast five years. This milestone also marked my five years as a volunteer for Multiples NZ.
In the early days, we were members of the Nelson/Marlborough satellite club of Multiples Canterbury. It was there I started volunteering and was the local contact for families in the top of the south, as well as writing for the club magazine. Fast forward five years, and I went from writing for and proofreading the magazine, to now heading into my second year as editor, and a member of the National Executive of Multiples NZ. Along the way, I have also used my day job skills as a photographer and graphic designer in my role. It is genuinely a lot of volunteer work, but somehow everything always falls into place. We have the help of our awesome executive and support team, and with everyone contributing we are able to provide an amazing service to our families.
Now I have my national role on the executive, the editor role, as well as being the local contact for Northland families after moving to 90 Mile Beach in 2015. It really is weaving people together. We have families who genuinely want to help parents of new and older multiples. Through sharing stories, advice and support, we are helping to make raising our families easier.
He waka eke noa – we are all in this together.
Kirsty Saxon
Multiples New Zealand
For NVW, Volunteering New Zealand has launched an interactive map of volunteer stories from across Aotearoa. This map is filled with stories from volunteers throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand. This map celebrates the contribution of volunteers in their communities throughout Aotearoa. It aims to inspire people to engage in volunteering, Mahi Aroha and social action and to realise the benefits of weaving their communities together through their actions.
About The Author: Michelle Kitney
Chief Executive, Volunteering New Zealand
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