
Ron Rowe

I volunteer for Lions Clubs, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Volunteer Service Abroad. Various Trusts, RSA and Others.

My roles include hands-on; Leadership; Facilitation of workshops, seminars, presentations mostly with regard to various aspects and elements of volunteering.
I volunteer every day now.

(Ron and Lions Club group who assisted as marshals and judges at the Bocce – Special Olympics held in Palmerston North.)


What is your touching moment?

I received a call from a paediatrician; it was mid-November; “Ron, we have got an extremely sick seven-month-old baby who requires a liver transplant within the next weeks, it’s urgent. I am hoping you can raise the money to send the little fellow to Brisbane for a liver transplant in early January”.

With several wonderful volunteers and their groups, we hastily set up a Trust in conjunction with Iwi, in the short time before Christmas. We raised the money with significant contributions from all local marae, local communities and from the staff of the then secure facility at Lake Alice Hospital.

Sadly, the day before the baby was to fly to Brisbane he died. The hoped-for funding was raised; the hoped-for outcome was not.

Yet within our community we learned of a wife and mother who required a liver transplant. The request to our Trust was made sensitively – we do hope that you might consider etc… The Trust agreed. The woman went to Brisbane and underwent a successful transplant.

I wish to acknowledge the work of volunteers from both Maori and Pakeha communities. Tatou Tatou.

What would you consider as the biggest benefit of volunteering?

( Napier RSA launch of the book ‘The Ever Present Challenge’ recognising volunteers and their philanthropic efforts.)

“Using time, learned abilities, skills and knowledge,

to pass on to benefit others and further enhance

their contributions and their personal satisfaction

in their volunteering. ”


What does volunteering mean to you?

Seeing and experiencing the growth and unique contributions of others working in various voluntary capacities and roles. Volunteers gain a greater sense of self-worth thereby enabling their commitment and leadership of events and projects never dreamt of at the start of their volunteering journey.

Is there any additional thought you would like to share with us?

Using and practising the principles of Servant Leadership in the fulfilment and personal satisfaction gained through volunteering roles and projects, large and small. 

( Ron & Ngaire Rowe)