Measurement & Assessment

Time well spent: A national survey on the volunteer experience
Davies, John; Dobbs, Joy; Hornung, Lisa; Jochum, Veronique; McGarvey, Amy. National Council for Voluntary Organisations, January 2019.

This report analyses the findings of a nation-wide survey on volunteering, conducted in the UK, of more than 10,000 people, by YouGov for the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). “It provides the most detailed analysis of volunteering for a decade.” 

The New Zealand cause report: Shape of the charity sector

McLeod, John. JBWere, March 2017.

This report covers two main areas: first, the bigger picture of what the not-for-profit sector is, where it fits in a New Zealand and global context, and more significantly, the changes seen over the last decade and the implications of this into the future; secondly, a close look at the individual charity sub sectors. One of the most important aspects of the report is to demonstrate how important the not-for-profit sector is to New Zealand society.

Outcomes, accountability and community & voluntary organisations in New Zealand: Holy Grail, Black hole or wholly possible?
Nowland-Foreman, Garth.  Centre for Not for Profit Leadership (Auckland), 2016.

This paper suggests there are both practical and conceptual problems relying on an Outcomes approach, including counter-productive incentives, and perverse threats to an organisations actual learning and on-going improvement. The paper concludes with what, instead, might be useful and realistic for both funders and community & voluntary organisations to do in the face of these increasing demands for an Outcomes focus.