
Imposed Volunteering: Gender and Caring Responsibilities During the COVID-19 Lockdown.

Andersen, Ditte, et al, The Sociological Review (Keele), vol. 70, no. 1, 2022, pp. 39–56,

This article conceptualises the idea of ‘imposed volunteering’ as a process that enforces and shapes societal caring arrangements. Women, along with ethnic and working-class minorities, are pinpointed as being disproportionately given the care work responsibilities, which worsens social expectations and inequalities. This article pushes for an equal distribution of care work responsibilities.

Good sports: Why sports need to engage female volunteers

Women in Sport (UK), 2017.

This article covers the data and experiences of female volunteers in sport. It also seeks to provide research and recommendations organisations should consider when recruiting female volunteers. Excerpt: “Sports organisations and groups attract the most volunteers with 54% of those who have formally volunteered at least once in the last 12 months, doing so in sport and exercise.” 

Te Mana tu o te Wahine: Women as leaders in the community & voluntary sector
Heathrose Research Ltd. Women in Leadership Aotearoa (Wellington), 2013.

The purpose of this report is to rectify the lack of information about how women in Aotearoa New Zealand are represented across the Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS), given that the sector’s voluntary and paid workforce is heavily dominated by women.